26. september
Hello, živijo, dobar dan, ciao, hallo, bon dia, olá, bonjour, ahoj, hei, dzień dobry, Здравствуйте!
Zagotovo med zgoraj naštetimi besedami prepoznate kar nekaj pozdravov v različnih evropskih jezikih.
26. septembra smo tudi na naši šoli praznovali evropski dan jezikov. Pred knjižnico smo uredili evropski kotiček, kjer so na ogled knjige o evropskih državah, slovarji, revije v tujih jezikih in seveda izdelki učencev.
Učenci so sodelovali tudi v velikem jezikovnem kvizu, kjer so si trije srečneži s pravilnimi odgovori prislužili presenečenja.
Preberete si lahko tudi nekaj razmišljanj na temo jezikov:
Language is
- an international way of communication and every country has its own language
- something that has a lot of words
- very important for people because we need to communicate
- a system of words and letters
- something we speak
- connecting people
- the most important in our lives
I learn languages
- because I want to travel and meet people from other countries
- for my future job
- because we will need it in the future
- because I need it
- to better understand other cultures
- when I read books
- when I listen to music
I use English
- when I talk to strangers from other countries
- when I play Minecraft and other games
- on social media and on holidays abroad
- when I watch movies
- when a person doesn’t speak Slovene
- to understand youtube videos
- at English classes, of course
- when I talk to English-speaking friends online
- only when I must
- when I sing
- when I buy clothes in Italy
In končna misel, ki jo nastala med razmišljanji o jeziku: “I will learn English for as long as I live.”